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ITA Digital: A Trusted Partner in Comprehensive Customer Acquisition—inDrive Feedback

June 23, 2023
inDrive is an international application that allows users to hire drivers for city or intercity trips, organize freight transportation or courier delivery, and find assistants for small tasks. The inDrive app has been downloaded over 175 million times and was the second most popular mobile application in 2022. As of April 2023, the app operates in 47 countries worldwide, with its headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA.
Working with many countries simultaneously required significant attention from the in-house team. Additionally, the company launched new business-oriented products, such as courier services and freight transportation. We therefore sought a contractor who could become a partner, deeply immerse themselves in the product, and help find new solutions to attract customers through digital channels.
Stanislav Izmaylov
GTM Lead Verticals in Mobility Division inDrive
Results: ITA Digital tested hypotheses and found effective promotion strategies, strengthening the in-house team.
We wanted to delegate the management of three products in four countries and accelerate hypothesis testing, so we turned to ITA Digital. Over the course of five months, the agency's team devised hypotheses, tested them, summarized the results, and launched new cycles.
We knew that ITA Digital’s specialists wouldn't just fulfill KPIs and acquire traffic, but would actively solve problems on the project. They even did things we didn't expect: For example, to test the functionality of events in the application, they sent someone on a trip in Brazil. The person documented everything, and the agency's team verified the event history in AppsFlyer. As a result, we confirmed that events in the application are working correctly.
We also wanted to systematize our knowledge base with the results of hypothesis testing, and that's precisely what happened. At the end of the pilot project, we had the following artifacts for the knowledge base:
  • automated reports in Power BI based on comprehensive analytics with instructions;
  • manual report on hypotheses;
  • texts, banners, and creative localized in five languages;
  • a document with sprint effectiveness analytics, which helps understand how we arrived at specific decisions and how the budget was allocated from week to week;
  • analytics with brief conclusions on audiences, channels, and attribution;
  • detailed log of hypotheses with results and conclusions that can be used for campaign scaling.
230 hypotheses
ITA Digital tested in 16 weeks
The screenshot shows a part of the hypothesis log, including successful solutions and hypotheses that still need to be tested.
Why we chose ITA Digital
We had previously worked together on another project: promoting an online service for finding carpooling partners. My colleagues and I had a positive impression from our previous collaboration.
We knew that ITA Digital doesn't work like a typical agency but deeply immerses itself in the product as a partner.
I expected ITA Digital to work as a consultant who lands on the client's side, understands the challenges, immerses themselves in the process, and becomes a day-to-day partner. And that's precisely what happened.
The ITA Digital team got acquainted with other inDrive teams, communicated directly with them, and worked as an internal digital team. For example, they presented our work to inDrive’s Brazilian business team, who were interested in learning about what we were doing. Usually, we would conduct such a presentation ourselves, but this time the specialists from ITA Digital talked to our colleagues about the project and answered their questions. It was awesome. They did the same during reporting meetings with product and business representatives.
In a presentation to our Brazilian partners, we showcased pilot project results, discussed our development plans, and presented our marketing strategy.
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What we liked and disliked about working on the project
I appreciate the quality of ITA Digital’s personnel and their conscious approach to development. This sets your agency apart from network agencies. Often, network agencies create beautiful presentations and sell well but then have junior marketers who don't yet have the necessary skills to work on the project, which negatively impacts it.
We liked the effective account management. Project management was integrated into the team's work. ITA Digital marketers communicated directly with the client, which simplified communication. They documented agreements, kept everything under control, and, for example, reminded responsible parties about tasks. After each call, I knew the next steps, what was needed for the work, and who would handle it on the inDrive side.
The plan-fact analysis helps to quickly understand the task statuses for each sprint
This document allows the client to understand at any given moment what project tasks are still planned, what is currently in progress, and what tasks were not completed.
Evgeniia Wagner, Senior Performance Marketing Manager
«We structured our workflow to ensure everyone knew about the project's progress. We reviewed sprint results together weekly, keeping the inDrive team informed about expenses and changes. Each meeting followed a specific structure. We started by examining absolute and relative project figures: the outcomes of testing new hypotheses and the impact of optimization hypotheses. We also analyzed our progress toward target metrics and discussed strategies to reduce customer acquisition costs and generate more leads.
Next, we discussed strategic plans, any missing information required for ad launches or processes, and identified obstacles and possible solutions.
Finally, we presented a task plan with responsible parties, broken down by weeks: what we aimed to accomplish, what was done, and our plans. All agreements and decisions were documented».
Initially, we expected to test several channels and implement reporting more quickly. We needed to plan our collaboration more carefully from the start. inDrive has multiple countries, products, and tasks, but to test our cooperation, we isolated ourselves in four countries and focused on three products during the pilot phase. In the end, this hindered us. We needed to think more globally. We also encountered bureaucratic issues, such as contract renewal, which caused delays in our work.
Evgeniia Wagner, Senior Performance Marketing Manager
During the project, we managed to test the main promotion channels: Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, Snapchat, and influencer marketing. Additional channels were not available due to technical limitations. At the start, our team at inDrive agreed on a number of hypotheses to test without specifying the channels. Ultimately, we could execute this plan and achieve our target metrics.
Regarding reporting, initially we updated the data manually once a week. Over time, as the data accumulated, making decisions without real-time figures became difficult. To automate manual reporting, we enlisted the help of our friends at Elly Analytics. However, implementation took longer than planned due to certain intricacies with AppsFlyer that we did not anticipate.
To whom do I recommend ITA Digital? Those looking for a partner to whom they can fully delegate customer acquisition work.
I recommend the agency to startups and companies lacking the internal resources for comprehensive marketing. If you need to delegate strategy, traffic acquisition, analytics, and project documentation, in other words, fully outsource the customer acquisition function, then ITA Digital is your ideal partner. For companies with a large digital marketing team, I would not necessarily recommend ITA Digital, as they should have enough internal resources to handle all tasks. ITA Digital excels in working with digital products, considers the unit economy, and achieves goals. However, media advertising for offline products may not be their strong suit, as they currently have limited experience in that area.
Project Team
Renata Zinnatullina
Head of Product marketing
Evgeniia Wagner
Senior Performance Manager
Anna Skutina
Senior Performance Manager
Ilya Kuznetsov
Head of Performance
Amulang Basangova
Friends from Elly Analytics

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